It's our Birthday!
It's hard to believe that this is our 19th year of coffee roasting! To celebrate, we have a limited edition Anniversary Roast. This certified Fair Trade Organic Congolese Haraka bourbon coffee is grown in small farms in the Africa Great Lakes region of The Democratic Republic of Congo at an elevation of 1400-1500 meters (4600-5000 feet). The coffee has a wonderfully smooth taste, with chocolate, hazelnut, grapefruit and red apple notes. It has a nice, lingering finish on the palate.
Congo Haraka
Swahili for “Fast”
With over 11,600 members, the Solidarité Pour La Promotion des Actions Café et le Développement IntégralCooperative is more of a movement than just a coffee. In the 10 years that the coop has been growing specialty coffee, the sales have helped the members improve their living conditions, providing schooling, housing, and jobs. As an SCA sustainability award winner, the members behind this coffee are moving fast towards transforming their community.
A Farmer’s Story
Chiza Moise inherited a field from his father and has leveraged that to stabilize the financial situation for his family in the Congo. Resources from coffee sales have contributed to the construction of Ciza’s house and allowed him to pay for another field in which he cultivates other products such as beans, cassava, and corn. As of today, Chiza Moise is earning interest on his coffee field and it has become a source of pride.
We have only 132 pounds of this very special coffee available, so order soon!