Anniversary Roast is Now Available - For a Limited Time!
We started our little Roastery 17 years ago this month, and to celebrate we've found a wonderfully rich Ethiopian washed Yirgacheffe from the OCFCU cooperative.
Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (OCFCU) is a farmer-owned cooperative with members from across the Oromia Regional State, which accounts for 65 percent of the country’s total coffee-growing land.
The OCFCU was established in 1999, with 34 small cooperative as members, to facilitate the direct export of coffee produced by smallholder farmers. Today, it is the largest Fair Trade producer in Ethiopia, with 217 primary cooperatives representing more than 200,000 farmer households.
The group has an excellent reputation for supporting its members and their communities—and for having women in prominent positions throughout the organization. Its pays 70 percent of its net profit back to the cooperatives, which in turn pay 70 percent of their profit to the member farmers. Farmers benefit by being paid three times during each season, which allows for greater stability.
OCFCU has constructed schools, health centers and clean water supply stations, and it also maintains a bank where member can receive pre-harvest financing and other financial services.
The co-op has been internationally recognized for its farmer support programs and advocacy for Fair Trade practices.
Cupping notes: sweet, chocolate, crisp, tropical, floral with a
rich body.
Look for it at all the usual Humboldt groceries or order on line. We only have 132 pounds available.